Sunday, June 3, 2012

Social Media use of Woolworths

 According to Nielsenwire (2010), Australian are represents the highest use of social media in the world.  They spend 57 hours per month online and almost 7 hours month per is spend on social media network. Therefore, the user of social media on the internet cannot be dismissed. The media objective of social network is providing a platform for customer to interact with company and engage with Woolworths’ app campaign. Besides, with this two way communication, it can build up the long term relationship with customer and increase the brand loyalty of Woolworths.Here i going to talk about Facebook and twitter they uses.


As the picture showed below, there are 170,251likes on Woolworth Facebook page and 4,921 people talking about it. Besides, on the most recent status update, the engagement shows 354 like and 117 comments. Obviously, customers are willing to invest personal resources on the brand and they also interact with fellow Woolworths fans, which create a sense of community.

(Woolworths Facebook homepage)                    


The objective of social media is getting customer interact with company. Woolworths currently has not officially tweet on twitter yet, even though it has 2,124 followers (picture below). If Woolworth fails to contribute back to the community of people who connected to, it will be missing out on some really valuable connection. In this situation , woolworth didnt do a bette job than Coles (If u saw Cole's tweet ``they have higher involvement ).

(Woolworths twitter homepage)                    

On and on, the social media as was the true of direct marketing, this social media have the highest potential of leverage effect and also easy to account for the ROI of this campaign expenditure.


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