Friday, March 16, 2012


I remmebered i was signed in this bloger last year ,, but never post anything on it ><
It has been  a long time for me havnt  post the bolg ,,,coz weibo (chinese twitter) apper,,,that  i become lazier ,even the 163 ` i spent less and less time on it , only check my friends update when the day  i remmember :( many social network nowday, in fact the friends circle still simmailr the same .coz i m not the one who add the strangers usual .
Sometime , i think whether is usuful to have so many social network ?
fack book , twitter, weibo, renren , qq , blog in one and another or more websites ...
pp seem getting busier to deal with these kinds of stuff when they walking on street , waiting for someone , sitting on the bus and going in to toilet . Taking a picture to  the main course/entry comes in a necessary and pp stare on their phone more than the pp next to them.

Im not saying social net work is good or bad . coz i also enjoy to conect with pp by somekind of this social website. But i just worry abt pp would comes to be ignore the thing around them.

It seem i talking too much (but this is my blog &Im in charge ``hahah) . 
BTW , i going to post and sharing my opinion  in this blog,  no matter wheter related to  makting or not .

Congratulate to my first post ```yea``


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