Friday, March 16, 2012

Brand types

Unle classified brand from three perspective , which is fresh for me at the frist time, but can easily undersatanded it with the example from daily life.

  • Perspective 1: Price Marks

From my understand of Uncles Perspective - Price Marks, is a brand  when u call the name tht can remind u "oh, its exp...""oh, its cheap..." and tht price image make them diff from other.
Here, the example i used is SWAROVSKI, one of the Luxury retail in Adelaide 's Myer Building. With its' Luxury decoration , i still havnt go into the shop, coz i know the " name " tht i cant affort it until i get a job (the well paid one)

  • Perspective 2:Trust Marks
As one of the consumer received catagories and buy food from there every week .Woolworth is my Trust Mark. i dont know wherther is ok to take supmarket as an example, but Woolworth
is the brand i trust. Not because it near my house but i can return the product when i feeling unsatify. Beside, the color and the slogne make me feel safty and want to comeback.

  • Perspective 3:Love Marks

With the name of '' Love " , it is obvious tht consumers love this brand make it diff .
Vegemite is made in Australia since  1923 (mark on the label). I think it is  unique source in the world only produced in Australia. coz i never seen and tried this before until  i came to Australia . I love Vegmine, expecially go with bread every morning , plus a cup of milk . How beautiful !!
When i visited to the local pp ,i can usual  found one of this in their house.

Above is my understanding of  Uncles Perspective of brand with my personal experiences.



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